Jason Voorhees is unleashed and stalking the grounds of Camp Crystal Lake! Now we need your help to make this game an amazing reality!
Estimated Shipping Date: Early 2017
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Project Updates, Last Chance to Back on BackerKit, New Jason Ability 'Stalk', PAX East 'Killer' Trailer, and more...
almost 8 years ago
– Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 11:03:07 PM
Project Updates
Hello Campers! Here we are, it's the end of March and we have a quick update for you on the latest happenings on Friday the 13th: The Game.
The teams at Gun and Illfonic are working hard to finalize everything possible to get this game done and out for all of you to enjoy.
Some pretty big things have happened this week, ESRB gave us our rating. We're a solid M for Mature (with pic to prove).
The team is focused and moving ahead with cert on PS4 and Xbox One, we'll update everyone on how that's going as well as when other international ratings boards assign their ratings too. Keep an eye on our official Friday the 13th: The Game Twitter account for the latest and greatest updates on progress.
To kick off some media, here are some screenshots from our Co-Creator Wes Keltner, be sure to follow him as well for special sneak peak screenshots like these below, featuring some of our more recently added featured counselors (Adam Palomino, Eric LaChappa, and Brandon 'Buggzy' Wilson).
Reminder: BackerKit Pre-Orders Closing and Cards Will Be Charged Today, March 31st
It's true, in advance of the transition to taking pre-orders on our launch platforms (Steam, Xbox One & PS4) we're going to be ending the BackerKit campaign. Today/Tonight is your last chance to score many of the items posted up on the our BackerKit Page.
Since it's the last Friday of the month, we'll be charging pre-orders/running cards tonight, March 31st at 11:59pm/8:59pm PST. If you've pre-ordered anything from BackerKit recently (since the last the end of February), then you'll be getting charged and having your order locked in. If you were charged during Kickstarter, or any time before the end of Feb. 26th, then you will NOT be charged again. I repeat, if you were already charged, you will not be charged again.
This is your last chance to get your orders in for any add-ons you may be looking to pick up, like the Exclusive Limited Tom Savini designed Jason DLC, the Counselor Clothing Pack, the Official Physical Art Book or the CD Soundtrack from Harry Manfredini, and more. If you've been thinking about picking any of those items up, then I'd recommend ordering them very soon as some of the items will be extremely limited.
As always, you can still update addresses yourselves as well at the BackerKit site, and will be able to do so up until we begin to ship the games and other merchandise out. Just login to your account at https://friday-the-13th-the-game.backerkit.com/ to update your address. Should you need to make changes to your order, like switching platforms, you can contact BackerKit Customer Support at [email protected].
Jason's Latest Ability... STALK!
So, in case you didn't 'hear', Jason has a new ability in the game. Stalk has been added, it's diabolical and here is a quick blurb about how it works.
"OK, so what is it? Stalk allows the Jason player to both mute the music counselors hear when Jason is near AND boost Jason's hearing so he can pick up on counselors footsteps, opening drawers, doors, windows, etc. So let's break this down. First up, muting Jason's music."
At the beginning of the month, some of the Gun team trekked up to Boston in freezing weather to do a panel as well as drop a new trailer featuring a new track from everyone's favorite 80's style Metal band Crazy Lixx! Give it a watch (or re-watch if you've already seen it)!
Thanks again to all those that came out to the panel and hung out to ask questions and talk about all things Friday the 13th with us! If you weren't able to make it out to PAX this year but still wanted to get more information, check out the PAX East panel below... Fun ensued!
Friday the 13th: The Game Twitch Stream
Earlier this month we beat Resident Evil 7 on the stream. Randy snagged all the Banned Footage DLC and will be playing through some select VHS tapes tonight. Join us tonight at 8pm EST/5pm PST!
Take a moment to follow us on Twitch now, that way you can get a notification whenever we go live. You really really should because it won't be long till we're playing our game with all of you on the stream! :D
As we often say, thank you all for your support and assistance with the game. We simply would not have this game made if it weren't for all our amazing fans and the F13 Army!
Make sure to follow Illfonic on Twitter and send them words of encouragement and thanks for all their hard work. Game development is hard, but can be very rewarding once it's complete. We strive to be as transparent in all matters, and will update everyone here, via email, on social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, Periscope) and our Forums as we move forward.
Hold tight! More announcements coming soon!
- Gun Media & Illfonic
Quick Updates. Tom Savini Designed Jason Revealed, Pax South and more!
almost 8 years ago
– Fri, Feb 24, 2017 at 10:22:43 PM
Project Updates
Hello Campers! We're back again with a quick update to highlight the latest happenings on Friday the 13th: The Game.
This month is rapidly coming to a close. The team is hard at work doing everything possible to get this game done and out for all of you to enjoy. Illfonic are working on prepping the game for certification on consoles and everything is moving ahead.
Earlier this week we dropped a huge announcement and revealed an exclusive Jason character we're adding to the game. More details on that below...
Exclusive Tom Savini designed Jason Revealed!
You've been waiting to see what the Sultan of Splatter, Tom Savini would dream up, and now you can get a tease for the direction he's taking with this all new Jason Voorhees character!
More details to come as we get closer to the big day! If you are interested in picking up the exclusive Jason, head over to BackerKit and pre-order him for your chosen platform.
Reminder: BackerKit Will Be Charged On Sunday Feb. 26th
We'll be charging pre-orders and running cards this Sunday, Feb. 26th. Normally we run them on the last Friday of the month, but since it's a short month we decided to push it till the end of the weekend. If you've pre-ordered anything from BackerKit recently (since the last Friday of January) then you'll be getting charged and having your order locked in. If you were charged during Kickstarter, or any time before the last Friday of Jan. then you will NOT be charged again. I repeat, if you were already charged, you will not be charged again. This reminder is only for those that have pre-ordered after Jan. 28th.
As always, you can still update addresses yourselves as well at the BackerKit site, and will be able to do so up until we begin to ship the games and other merchandise out later this year.
ICYMI: PAX South Panel Replay (Updates & Changes Since Beta)
Just in case you haven't seen this, tune in and watch as Adam Sessler, Ronnie Hobbs, Ben Strauss, David Langoliers and Randy Greenback discuss the F13 Beta and show off improvements that have been made since it ended. See how everyone who participated and shared their thoughts have affected the development of the game for the better.
We hope you enjoy catching up and seeing some fun new gameplay elements coming to the full game! Stay tuned for more news soon on upcoming panels.
Friday the 13th: The Game Twitch Stream
Oh Wow! Time for the last 1/3 of the game tonight. Randy died many times in the first stream of RE7, but nearly avoided getting REKT at all last week until getting whacked twice in the last 15 minutes of the stream. We're sure he's in for it this week!
Take a moment to follow us on Twitch now, that way you can get a notification whenever we go live. You really really should.
As always, thank you all for your support and interest in the game. We're in the home stretch and we're excited to have every single one of you wonderful backers out there with us in the F13 Army! We'll be back in a few weeks with a meaty update for everyone!
Until then... Watch your back and stay safe out there!
- Gun Media & Illfonic
Happy Friday the 13th! New Part 8 Jason Concept Art, Knife Throwing, New Song from the Misfits and more!
about 8 years ago
– Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 10:17:03 PM
Project Updates!
So... How about that holiday F3 Beta?? We had a blast playing with all of you online, in Private Matches, on our Stream and watching all the videos people posted of their gameplay! On behalf of the entire team at Gun Media and Illfonic, we'd like to thank everyone for their participation.
We took a survey and read through all the feedback we could find on the forums, reddit, twitter, facebook and anywhere else it could be found. It's been compiled and the team has worked through it all, discussing what we could and should do as we march on towards launching the full game.
That said, the team is focused on finishing the game strong on all platforms. What you're all here for though (I'm sure...) is the to see some new stuff!
So here we go...
New Jason Concept from Part 8: Jason Takes Manhattan
It's time to show off our next Jason character that is coming to join the fun! The boom box destroyer himself is now a playable character in the game!
Jason, revived from his underwater grave in Crystal Lake, climbs aboard the SS Lazarus and slashes his way through almost everyone on the ship in Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (released originally in 1989). Do you all remember the final showdown against final girl Rennie Wickham? If not, maybe it's time to re-watch it? Or if you've never seen it, then see it for the first time. DO IT! Tonight is the night!
Jason from Part 6 & Knife Throwing
Hey hey... Look at what we have here. Inspired by Friday the 13th Part 6: Jason Lives, and suggested by many fans who played in the Beta. We're proud to premier the first taste of throwing knives in the game. We're also announcing a new song being included in the game! Friday the 13th by The Misfits!!!
How about that ending? Yet another thing we were listening to you all on from your Beta feedback... ;)
Counselors better stay on their toes!
Kickstarter Backer Fun!
If you didn't notice, we added a ton of backers from the Voorhees's Victims tier to the Beta by putting their tombstones in the cemetery of the Higgins Haven map.
We're going to be contacting other higher end backers that had rewards like, Designing an Achievement/Trophy, Kills or YouTube Stars next week to work with them to begin getting these fulfilled. We wanted to give backers a taste of the game so they would fully understand how it played to better inform their decisions on how to contribute to the game. Look for emails soon!
Friday the 13th: The Game Twitch Streams
We skipped last week but return this week with some horror game goodness. It's looking like we'll be playing The Evil Within tonight at 8pm EST!
Developed by Shinji Mikami -- creator of the seminal Resident Evil series -- and the talented team at Tango Gameworks, The Evil Within embodies the meaning of pure survival horror! Join us for some good ole fashion Rekts!
Take a moment to follow us on Twitch now, that way you can get a notification whenever we go live. You really really should.
We hope everyone enjoyed the sneak peak at our newest Jason and the latest gameplay video! No one go practicing knife-throwing in real-life or anything, save that for when you get in the game later this year (Early 2017).
As always, we're hard at work on the game (even on Friday the 13th), so stay tuned for more updates soon and we look forward to seeing you in the Twitch stream chat tonight!
Never forget... Jason Lives!!!
- Gun Media & Illfonic
Beta Extending, Server Issues Have Delayed Launch
about 8 years ago
– Sun, Dec 18, 2016 at 11:34:11 PM
Friends & Family Beta Update
Hello Backers...
We’re sorting through some backend server stuff to make sure you guys have the best experience possible. We’re very sorry for the Friends & Family Beta delay. The crew at Illfonic & Gun have been, and are working around the clock to fix the issue.
We thought it was only fair that we extend the beta an extra day to make sure each of you have enough time stalking/dying at Crystal Lake.
If you haven't seen the gameplay video of a full match we released Friday with IGN, please watch it now.
Thank you for your understanding. You'll be running from Jason and mangling counselors very soon! Stay tuned to our Twitter and Facebook feeds for more info as it develops.
- Gun Media & Illfonic
BETA DATES!! BackerKit Pre-Orders Charged before the Beta... ICYMI: Thom Matthews as Tommy Jarvis & New Counselor Eric J.R. Lachappa!
about 8 years ago
– Wed, Dec 14, 2016 at 10:42:24 PM
Project Updates!
Ok, we've hit a huge milestone and as promised, we're starting the Friday the 13th: The Game Beta very soon.
How soon you ask? Well keep reading...
Beta Dates and Rules
OK. The boring, but important stuff first.
For the Friends & Family Beta, those participating agree not to stream footage, or share any sort of media, screenshots, news or information about that game.
Cool? Alright. Now...
The Friends & Family Beta will start on 12/18/16 and run through 12/19/16. Keep in mind; this is a work in progress. This is a beta, as raw as they come. We’re constantly tweaking kills, working on character models, making sure mechanics are working as intended...and sometimes they don’t. You will see some work in early stages, you will see bugs and issues may in fact pop up that affect your experience. This is what a real Beta is all about and it is to be expected.
We want you to kick the tires, break stuff, find bugs and help us stress test our servers. We also want to hear from you directly. Our goal is to take your feedback from this beta and ensure that we’re on the right path for the best overall Friday the 13th experience in gaming. You'll be able to dive into our forums, tweet at us, hit us up on facebook, or post in the Steam community for the game. If you have something to say, we want to hear it.
The Friends & Family beta is for our earliest supporters, our dearest fans, our friends and our families. This is the first look at all of the work that Gun, IllFonic and so many others have spent over a year making a reality. The immense amount of love and support from everyone has been immeasurably gratifying, and has helped our team work through these late nights over the past year and a half.
We want the Friends & Family beta to be intimate; a chance to have the earliest supporters interact with one another, play with the team and get the first shot at a game that couldn’t have been made without you. We’re giving you access to a portion of game development that few teams would ever allow to be shown; so we hope you enjoy access and we look forward to playing with you for the duration of this friends and family beta!
For the Pre-Order Closed Beta, all those that have pre-ordered the game on KS or BackerKit will then get a code for themselves and 4 more to share with others. We'll be taking Pre-Orders for the game at BackerKit throughout the Beta, and anyone Pre-Ordering the game will get 5 Beta codes as well. By redeeming the code/s you'll be locked in on the purchase and cannot cancel your order, so keep that in mind.
We'll allow streaming of the Pre-Order Closed Beta, so you'll get to watch the dev team play on our Twitch channel, and many of your favorite streamers as well.
Please spread the word and let everyone know that JASON LIVES!
Reminder: BackerKit Pre-orders Will Be Charged On Dec. 17th, & Every Day After Until The Beta Ends
We'll be charging pre-orders and running cards on Dec. 17th. If you've pre-ordered anything from BackerKit recently (since the the end of Nov. 25th) you'll be getting charged and having your order locked in. If you were charged during Kickstarter, or any time before the last Friday of Nov. then you will NOT be charged again. I repeat, if you were already charged, you will not be charged again. This reminder is only for those that have pre-ordered after Nov. 25th.
Get your orders in for any add-ons you may be looking to pick up, like the Official Physical Art Book or the CD Soundtrack. You can order them now, or wait till the Beta ends. As always, you can still update addresses yourselves as well at the BackerKit site, and will be able to do so up until we begin to ship the games and other merchandise out in 2017.
Tommy Jarvis Returns to Camp Crystal Lake (Thom Matthews Joins The Team)
You heard it right! Tommy Jarvis returns to take on his arch-nemesis Jason Voorhees in Friday the 13th: The Game! Tommy is played by Thom Matthews who originally played the role in Part VI. Watch the video and see why everyone is getting excited!
If that doesn't get you hyped up, I don't know what will...
New Counselor (Eric J.R. LaChappa/Class Clown)
We have our next counselor concept for you to check out... Eric J.R. LaChappa!
Eric has become a fan-favorite since we first revealed him and we know he'll be a favorite of players when the game is released.
Friday the 13th: The Game Twitch Streams
Last week Randy got his ass handed to him in Bloodborne. This Friday he'll be playing Kholat on PS4. The following week on the 23rd we'll be doing something special and streaming Friday the 13th: The Game. Perhaps we'll play with some Twitch chat friends and definitely will include some unsuspecting strangers online.
Take a moment to follow us on Twitch now, that way you can get a notification whenever we go live. You really really should.
That was an incredible update! All of us working on this game are excited to finally share it with you. Please remember... We want your feedback, we will continue to work on the game post-beta and will be taking account of bugs, balancing tweaks and suggestions.